Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a serious crime in Texas that carries severe legal consequences. You can be charged even if you did not feel intoxicated. But the law is clear: operating a vehicle with a BAC of .08 or more for adults constitutes drunk driving. But just because you tested above the state's legal limit does not mean that your case is hopeless.
At the Gutheinz Law Firm, we have extensive experience defending clients from a wide range of drunk driving charges. We can fight your DWI charges and guide you through the administrative hearings to protect your driving privileges. When appropriate, we can also secure a divert in place of a conviction and assist with expunging arrest records in cases where clients were no-billed, found not guilty, or had dismissals. Our law firm is focused on providing aggressive, effective representation at all stages of your case.
Penalties for first-time DWI offense:
Subsequent offenses require higher fines, longer jail time, and longer license suspension periods. If you are facing a third DWI offense, this is considered a felony. Other DWI felonies also include intoxication manslaughter and DWI with child passenger.
Texas also has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to underage drinking and driving. Any individual under the age of 21 years old who drives with any detectable amount of alcohol will be charged.
The Gutheinz Law Firm can also represent clients in administrative license (ALR) hearings. You only have a limited time to request a hearing, so take action immediately and contact a Pearland DWI attorney at our law firm for help.
Discuss the details of your drunk driving arrest with an attorney at our law firm. We can review your charges and explore your options.
Call us at (281) 888-0470 for aggressive defense.
The client was charged with continuous sexual assault of a minor which was dismissed due to the advocacy of defense counsel.
Client was charged with aggravated assault which was dismissed due to the advocacy of defense counsel.
Client’s Felony criminal mischief dismissed when defense established that the alleged victims account and statement of damages was not true.